Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Advantages of Using Paper Bags

Advantages of Using Paper Bags

According to “The New York Times", the well-worn debate between paper and plastic bags has persisted since plastic bags were introduced in 1977.  Plastic bags were introduced years ago as an alternative to bulky paper bags that can be heavy, difficult to carry and more costly to businesses. But plastic bags don’t biodegrade and are made with harmful chemicals. And while reusable cloth shopping bags are growing in popularity, they are more costly to consumers and aren’t always the easiest solution. Because of this, many consumers find papers bags a good alternative if they don’t have reusable bags.

Renewable Resource

Paper bags are made from felled trees, which some proponents of plastic bags suggest creates more of an imprint on the environment than plastic bags. But trees are also a renewable resource that can be replaced over time. Many paper and lumber mills practice tree replacement so that their supply of trees doesn’t diminish over time.


Paper bags are made of natural products, which allows them to be broken down by the elements–albeit over a long time. Plastic bags aren’t as lucky–most aren’t biodegradable and can fill up landfills, costing cities as much as 17 cents per disposal of each bag, according to Money Central. Recycling plastic bags is an option, but the costs can be impractical. As of 2010, it can cost $4,
000 to recycle one ton of plastic bags, which is resold to stores for $32, according to Squawk Fox. On the other hand, paper bags are easily tossed into the paper recycling bin and reused.

Less Litter

One paper bag can do the same work it can take several plastic bags to accomplish. The downside to this is that plastic bags are often overused–some businesses use a plastic bag to hold one single item. The practice of overusing plastic bags can add to the country’s littering problem. Plastic bags are frequently found blowing in the wind alongside roads and elsewhere in the outdoors. Paper bags are much larger and less abundant, and they aren’t as easily lost to the wind.

On Manufacturing - Plastic Bag Manufacturing is More Environmentally Friendly

Life Cycle Assessments (LCA’s) show that the manufacture of paper grocery bags has a heavier environmental impact than the manufacture of plastic shopping bags.
According to the Scottish government's 2005 Report on Plastic Shopping Bags, the manufacture of paper bags consumes four times more water than the manufacture of plastic bags and paper generates three times more greenhouse gases.
The EcoBilan Carrefour Life Cycle Assessment shows that in their manufacture, paper bags consume 2.2 times more non-renewable energy than the manufacture of plastic bags; paper bag manufacture consumes 4.7 times more water, emits 3.1 more greenhouse gases and 2.7 times more acid gases than the manufacture of plastic bags.
Each study discloses slight differences in results, but all studies agree that paper bags carry a substantial environmental impact in their manufacture that is not seen with plastic bags.

NOTE: This is not my original article.
Sources: http://www.allaboutbags.ca/papervplastic.html

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