Friday, June 27, 2014

13 Uses and Reuses for Paper Bags

13 Uses and Reuses for Paper Bags

If we happen to lapse on taking our reusable totes to the store, which isn't very often anymore thanks to this post, we ask the cashier to pack our groceries in paper bags. Even though there's still a debate on which is greener, we find that we're more able to reuse the strong paper bags than their plastic counterparts at home, in oh-so-many ways...

Here are some of tips to reuse paper bags. Share your thoughts too!

1. Collect paper recycling in it, and recycle the whole package 
2. Use it as gift wrap
3. Make gift tags
4. Ready a spot of land for a garden by cutting the bags, flattening them, and covering them with compost (it kills weeds and prevents them from hindering your garden)
5. Collect kitchen scraps and other compost items; when it's time to compost, dump out the food scraps and then tear up the bag to go directly into the compost pile as well
6. Shred and add to the compost
7. Shred and use for packages to keep